Monday, December 5, 2011

What do Santa’s elves make sandwiches with?

        It’s nearly Christmas, and I missed it last year on my blog. I said it was because I was just too busy, but as experienced by many people around the world during the holidays, I get blue during winter and the holidays. I think it’s the lack of sunshine for one. I just can’t function without it. But then there is the god-awful job market. It’s been nearly a year and I still haven’t found a replacement job. But I really think it’s because my father died 22 days before Christmas from a terminal illness the year I turned 14. I think it still affects my ability in some way to really get excited about Christmas. I am making the decision to pull myself up by my bootstraps and get out of this nearly 6 month (ughhh) writing funk I’ve been in.

        So I’ve been listening to my self-prescribed daily dose of Christmas music at maximum volume, and at times, singing along. I put up the Christmas tree and decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving (to the very loud protest of my husband, the Grinch) and this week I start baking.  I made cranberry chutney for neighbor gifts during Thanksgiving, but it’s the sweets that really make the season. The problem is sweets really give me a tummy ache and sometimes a toothache so I lean toward the lesser sweet items during the year, but Christmas calls for pulling out the big guns - Paula Deans of butter and pounds of sugar. Today Shortbread made the top of the Must-Make List. I love shortbread. So sweet and buttery and smooth and tender – especially with a hot cup of coffee…excuse me for a minute while I go top off my cup.