When I think of alfredo sauce, I start sweating in anticipation of all the work it’s going to take to walk off those calories. Butter, Parmesan cheese, heavy cream…what could be more indulgent? A flourless chocolate torte with ganache? Yep. But even that has less calories per serving than most purchased alfredo sauce served over pasta. But it’s so good!!!
When you indulge in alfredo at a restaurant, you could easily find yourself consuming all of your daily calories, if not more, in a single sitting. If you eat out at a good Italian place only once a year then there really isn’t a problem. You need to indulge sometimes, and date night really isn’t the time to think about your diet; have fun! But if you find yourself wanting alfredo more often than that then it’s time to think about how to put this decadent dish on a diet, and I have the solution – mockfredo.
I don’t often suggest using margarine, but in this case, it is needed to reduce the caloric load. Then instead of cream, you have skim milk and a low-fat or fat free cream cheese to keep that creamy texture. I would never take away the cheese, so it’s still there, but not as much as I would use for the real deal. Made this way, it has only 1/3 the calories and a big punch of flavor that makes you feel like you’re doing something naughtier than you really are. And it’s super simple. It’s made first in a blender and then warmed in the microwave to prevent the oil in the cheese and sauce from separating and then served over pasta - Gnocchi is my favorite for this dish. It’s delectable, but don’t take my word for it!